Thursday, September 9, 2010

Chasing the Calendar....

I remember, a few months before I actually got selected I received this large Manila envelope from the State of New Hampshire. I was thinking to myself, "Uhh ohh, what am in trouble for?". Realizing that I haven't done anything, lately (lol) I was probably being unreasonably stressed. After opening the envelope it was a letter from the State, explaining I was part of the current cycle of  the Juror selection process.

From the documentation, 8 times, over the next 2 months, I was to call in to a specific number, on a specific day, after a specific time and listen to instructions on what to do next..

The first time I called (sometime in early July 2010) I got a recorded message telling NOT to report for jury duty at this time, but to call in at the next date and time for instructions.....

I was thinking to my self that the odds of there being a trial at this particular time and the fact I haven't heard anything in the news about anything major, there was little chance I would get called.

So, when the next date and time came, I did the same thing, with the same results.

Same thing the 3rd time.. and the 4th, 5th, 6th... I was thinking, this was my only shot and so much for that

However, the 7th, and next to the last time, the message was significantly different.. It was informing me that the following juror numbers needed to come to the Concord, NH courthouse, the next day, to enter the selection process..
The message then continued to rattle off a very long series of numbers, starting at 004 then 006, etc, etc..

Since I was Juror number 104, needless to say I was listening for a some time, until they finally got my number as part of group call (IE; "Juror's, whose numbers begin and end in 102-110").. So.. there it was.. I was asked to come in.. Cool..

More Shortly....


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